Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Interpreting Relevent Laws

                                                           The 18th and 21st

The 18th amendment, the Prohibition Act, was enacted in hopes to reduce the intake of alcohol. Alcohol has proven to make fools out of the most sophisticated of persons in the world who part takes in the bitter nectar. The amendment wasn't all too ineffective. It reduced some things here and there, improved others there and here. Eventually because the law was uneven and would not help on improving the economy as the great depression dawn on, it was repealed.

The 21th amendment repealed the National Prohibition Act of 1920; the 18th amendment. Nullifying the prohibition of manufacturing, sale, transport, or export of alcoholic beverages. Though the intake of alcohol
decreased, and organized crimes also reduced, the gallons of alcohol left after the Prohibition was disheartening. It was as though in secret alcohol was being taken in carelessly. Methods to make 'bootleg' liquor was lethal, being either too strong or containing impurities

Prohibition did bring about a sense of anarchy. Alcohol consumption was not in the law so people did basically what they could to consume it. Speakeasies, bootlegging, and gangsters were aided by the law. Well, technically. Since the law didn't mention anything about taking in alcohol, and because gangsters will do anything to make money they supply citizens with booze (aka alcohol). Clubs (speakeasies) take it upon themselves to do the same. Police officers violated many civil rights when searching for possession of alcohol. Soon after a movement began to repeal Prohibition, it was thought as interfering with personal liberty. The 21th amendment is the first and only amendment to repeal another.

Prohibition succeeded because there was less intake of alcohol however it practically destroyed the economy. Police forces broke protective laws that are granted by the Constitution. 21st amendment was created to correct a law (the 18th) that was suppose to help society. These two laws focused on alcohol. They don't go hand in hand like others do, but one repeals and destroys the other. Since Prohibition wasn't quit working for the country the 21st comes in and repeals it.

Works sited:

The Constitution

The 21st Amendment

The 18th Amendment


  1. It's true what this blog says. The video was nice. Although the 21st amendent repealed the 21st amendment the 18th did bring some changes that were googd. The only one is that people stopped consuming it. I wonder if they'll ever make another amendment like the 18th to stop drunk driving.

  2. I like what Jorge Said. This is a really great post. I feel it gave so much information in only 3 paragraphs which is amazing . Good Job!!

  3. Do you think that it was a good idea to repeal the 18th Amendment?

  4. I agree with you dex definitely and you too jorge i hope they do make a law against drunk driving because they really should like now too.

  5. I agree with all of you. I loved it!!! Great job, Dexterine!!!

  6. Excellent report on these two amendments that greatly influenced culture in the 1920s.
